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Hebrews for Everyone - Jesus as the Truly Human Being
Hebrews for Everyone - Jesus as the Truly Human Being
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus as the Truly Human Being HEBREWS 2.5-9 One of the most dramatic stories in the Old Testament concerns the royal succession. King David was very old, and everybody knew he couldn’t last much longer. He had a great many sons and daughters. One of his sons, Adonijah, got toget…
Hebrews for Everyone - Keep up the Good Work
Hebrews for Everyone - Keep up the Good Work
by SPCK - N T Wright
Keep Up the Good Work Hebrews 6.9-12 Sir Francis Drake was one of many Englishmen who became famous during the reign of Elizabeth I. He sailed round the world, crossed the Atlantic many times, was involved in numerous sea battles in various parts of the world, was twice a member …
Hebrews for Everyone - Looking to Jesus
Hebrews for Everyone - Looking to Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
Looking to Jesus Hebrews 12.1-3 I went to a school that prided itself on its outdoor pursuits. Set high in the Yorkshire Dales in north-west England, it celebrated its location in several ways, the annual climax being a ten-mile cross-country race over steep, difficult ground. Of…
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
by SPCK - N T Wright
Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King Hebrews 7.1-10 ‘I was telephoned by a Christian magazine a few months ago. They were running a feature on various writers and they wanted to know, among many other questions, which books I regarded as the most important in my thinking and my wor…
Hebrews for Everyone - No Way Back
Hebrews for Everyone - No Way Back
by SPCK - N T Wright
No Way Back Hebrews 6.1-8 I have a vivid memory of learning my ABC. Actually, I learned to read a bit before I went to school, but during my first weeks there I remember the whole class, all 50 of us, singing through the alphabet to a well-known tune. We liked our young teacher a…
Hebrews for Everyone - Outside the Old City, Seeking the New
Hebrews for Everyone - Outside the Old City, Seeking the New
by SPCK - N T Wright
Outside the Old City, Seeking the New Hebrews 13.9-16 I mentioned earlier that I had been reading the diary of a clergyman who had been a prisoner of war from 1940 to 1945. It was both fascinating and frustrating. Fascinating as a firsthand, day-by-day account of the life such pe…
Hebrews for Everyone - So - Come to Worship
Hebrews for Everyone - So - Come to Worship
by SPCK - N T Wright
So- Come to Worship! Hebrews 10.19-25 I watched as my mother came in from shopping, carrying several bulging bags. She called me to help get the rest from the car. I couldn’t think why she’d bought so much food, but I fetched and carried and unloaded as best I could. Then I remem…
Hebrews for Everyone - Suffering in Hope
Hebrews for Everyone - Suffering in Hope
by SPCK - N T Wright
Suffering in Hope Hebrews 10.32-39 He had watched and prayed and warned the people of what would happen if they didn’t turn away from their evil ways. He had hoped that some at least would listen, and that the nation as a whole would gradually be brought round to hear and obey. H…
Hebrews for Everyone - The Finished Achievement of the Messiah
Hebrews for Everyone - The Finished Achievement of the Messiah
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Finished Achievement of the Messiah Hebrews 10.11-18 Many of us in the modern world do our work sitting down. I’m sitting at a desk as I write this; I’m aware that my posture isn’t perfect, that I’m in danger of getting stiff shoulders, and that if I took more time to walk ar…
Hebrews for Everyone - The God of Peace Be With You
Hebrews for Everyone - The God of Peace Be With You
by SPCK - N T Wright
The God of Peace Be With You Hebrews 13.17-25 I was chatting with a friend who had recently become a bishop. He was and is a wonderful man, scholarly, wise, outgoing, full of ideas and devotion and love and goodness. You might have thought any church would be glad to have him as …
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah and His Brothers and Sisters
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah and His Brothers and Sisters
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Messiah and His Brothers and Sisters HEBREWS 2.10-18 Some while ago there was a movie by the name of A River Runs through It. It told the story of two brothers growing up in the beautiful Montana countryside. The older one was quiet, studious, hard-working; he got a good job …
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah is Superior to Angels
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah is Superior to Angels
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Messiah Is Superior to Angels HEBREWS 1.6-14 It was Christmas again, and we spent what seemed like a very long time not just buying presents but wrapping them up. Half the fun of Christmas morning, after all, is the exciting packages in glittering wrapping, with ribbons and b…
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Messiah’s Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary Hebrews 9.23-28 ‘It was such a great day,’ she said. ‘I’d really like to do it all over again!’ We were looking at the photographs two weeks after the wedding. All their friends and relatives had been there. The sun had shone. The musi…
Hebrews for Everyone - The Permanent Priesthood of Jesus
Hebrews for Everyone - The Permanent Priesthood of Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Permanent Priesthood of Jesus Hebrews 7.20-28 Many of the ancient parish churches in England have a board somewhere close to the door which lists all the rectors who have had charge of that parish. Often the list begins way back in the eighth or ninth century. Even when it’s …
Hebrews for Everyone - The Practical Life of God's People
Hebrews for Everyone - The Practical Life of God's People
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Practical Life of God’s People Hebrews 13.1-8 ‘Sex, power, money, suffering. Tomorrow morning’s newspaper will be full of it; it’s what sells, it’s what some people think makes the world go round. Meanwhile, you can look through the newspaper from end to end for a mention of …
Hebrews for Everyone - The Promise of a New Covenant
Hebrews for Everyone - The Promise of a New Covenant
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Promise of a New Covenant Hebrews 8.7-13 One of my favourite rivers is the Coquet, which rises in the heart of my native part of England, and runs down into the North Sea about fifty miles south of the border with Scotland. It isn’t a long river, even by national standards, l…
Hebrews for Everyone - The Purpose of the Blood
Hebrews for Everyone - The Purpose of the Blood
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Purpose of the Blood Hebrews 9.15-22 To some, this passage is one of the most central in scripture; to others, it’s one of the most shocking. After the twentieth century, in which more human blood was spilled through war, torture and miscellaneous violence than in all previou…
Hebrews for Everyone - The Sacrifice of the Messiah